Table 2

Truth aspects for each method of measurement

ModalityFace validityConstruct validityContent validityCriterion validity
Total number of tophiYesData not availableOnly subcutaneous tophi assessedData not available
Tape measureYesData not availableOnly subcutaneous tophi assessedData not available
Vernier calliperYesOf the 47 index tophi identified on physical
examination, 42 (89%) were also identified on CT16
There was good correlation between
measurements for physical and CT assessments
(r=0.91, p<0.0001). There was no difference between
physical and CT coefficients of variation for
interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility.16
Only subcutaneous tophi assessedAll patients in the longitudinal study
of urate-lowering therapy (ULT) had
monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU)
crystals documented in synovial fluid or
tophus.8 However, tophi included in the
analysis were not specifically examined
for presence of MSU crystals.
Digital photographyYesData not availableOnly subcutaneous tophi assessedData not available
Ultrasonography (US)YesMRI confirmed 37/46 (81%) of the nodules reported
by US. US detected 31/41 (90%) of the nodules
reported to be tophi on MRI.9 Measurement of
tophus size by MRI correlated well with US
Subcutaneous and intra-articular
tophi assessed
Presence of MSU crystals was assessed
in 12 patients with suspected gouty
tophi on ultrasonography. Crystals
observed in 10/12 nodules. Remaining
two later diagnosed by observation of
crystals in synovial fluid samples.9
MRIYesMRI confirmed 37/46 (81%) of the nodules
reported by US. US detected 31/41 (90%) of the
nodules reported to be tophi on MRI. Measurement
of tophus size by MRI correlated well with US
Subcutaneous and intra-articular
tophi assessed
In a study of MRI assessment of
tophus size, tophi were confirmed by
needle aspiration and polarised light
microscopy.20 Another study of MRI in
gout reported a small mass, not apparent
on physical examination or plain
radiography, but identified with MRI,
was confirmed as a gouty tophus by
percutaneous aspiration and polarising
light microscopy.18
CTYesFor tophi identified by physical and CT assessment,
there was good correlation between measurements
(r=0.91, p<0.0001)16
Subcutaneous and intra-articular
tophi assessed
Tophi identified by CT were surgically
resected and confirmed by histological
Dual energy CT
YesDECT scans revealed a total of 440 areas of urate
deposition in 20 patients with tophaceous gout,
compared with only 111 areas on physical
examination, p=0.00126
Subcutaneous and intra-articular
tophi assessed
Not systemically analysed. Cases of
tophi identified by DECT and confirmed
to contain MSU crystals by aspiration
and polarised microscopy have been reported.26