Table 1

Clinical data on patients used in this study

Sjögren's syndromeHealthy controls
Cohort characteristics
 Age in years (mean±SD)55±1353±8
Patients clinical features
 Duration of disease in years (mean±SD)9±6
 Ro/SSA+ and La/SSB+15/31
 No Ro/SSA+ and La/SSB+5/31
 Other autoantibodies12/31
  Anti-native DNA1/31
 ESR (mean±SD)33.7±27.9
 CRP (mean±SD)6.4±17.7
 IgG (mean±SD)16.4±5.9
 IgA (mean±SD)2.7±1
 IgM (mean±SD)1.29±0.8
 Salivary secretion
 Schirmer's test
 Focus score (range)0–5
  FS: 05/31
  FS: 110/31
  FS: 24/31
  FS: 3 1/31
  FS: 44/31
  FS: 52/31
  Not determined5/31
  Oral steroids5/31
  Dose2/5: 2.5 mg/day
2/5: 5 mg/day
1/5: 10 mg/day
  Dose20 mg/week
 Extraglandular manifestations11/31
  Autoimmune hepatitis1/31
  Interstitial lung disease1/31
  • Fractions indicate the number of patients positive for the observed characteristics out of the total, not all clinical data were available for all patients. Focus score indicates the number of inflammatory foci containing more than 50 mononuclear cells per 4 mm2 biopsy tissue. Germinal centre (GC) ± indicates patient samples positive or negative for ectopic GC-like structures in biopsies. Other autoantibodies: rheumatoid factor (RF), anticyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP), antiribonucleoprotein (anti-RNP). Whole saliva secretion has been measured per 15 minutes where >1.5 ml saliva are considered as negative, <1.5 ml as positive, decreased salivary flow. Schirmer's test determines the tear volume in mm/5 minutes, where >5 mm are considered as a negative, <5 mm as a positive result.

  • ANA, antinuclear antibodies; CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FS, focus score; MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.