Table 4

Demonstration of the domains contained in various response criteria in comparison with the variables loading best in the principal component analysis

Response criteria
Two highest loading variables per componentPsARCACREULAR
Component I: Patient self-reported disease activityVAS PtGA+++
Component II: Joint counts66 SJC++−*
68 TJC++−*
Component III: Acute phase reactantsCRP
ESR+ either/or+
  • * Based on 28 joint counts.

  • ACR, ACR response criteria; CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; EULAR, EULAR response criteria; PsARC, Psoriatic Arthritis Response Criteria; SJC, swollen joint count; TJC, tender joint count; VAS PAIN, visual analogue scale patient pain assessment; VAS PtGA, visual analogue scale patient global disease activity assessment.