Table 2

RR of incident or enlarging BML in the ipsilateral compartment by different severity of meniscal pathology

Incident or enlarging BML*Crude RR (95% CI)Adjusted RR (95% CI)
Medial meniscus pathology
 None71/601 (12%)1.0 (ref)1.0 (ref)
 Minor100/426 (23%)2.0 (1.5 to 2.6)1.8 (1.3 to 2.3)
 Major109/317 (34%)2.9 (2.2 to 3.8)2.4 (1.8 to 3.2)
Lateral meniscus pathology
 None63/1117 (6%)1.0 (ref)1.0 (ref)
 Minor34/141 (24%)4.3 (2.9 to 6.3)4.0 (2.7 to 5.9)
 Major28/84 (33%)5.7 (3.9 to 8.5)5.0 (3.2 to 7.7)
  • * Missing value for two knees for the lateral compartment.

  • χ2 test for trend p<0.001 for both medial and lateral compartment.

  • Poisson regression (using generalised estimating equations) adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, physical activity level, and mechanical axis at baseline.

  • BML, bone marrow lesion; ref, reference category.