Table 2

Mean±SD values and mean differences (95% CI) in measures of pain, functioning and HRQL for patients with EOA (n=42) and patients with non-EOA (n=194)

EOANon-EOAp Value (t test)Mean difference (95% CI)*Mean difference taking nodes into account (95% CI)
 AUSCAN pain (0–20)9.0±4.87.0±4.80.0162.0 (0.4 to 3.7)1.0 (−0.7 to 2.7)
 MHQ pain (0–100)47.1±18.137.9±22.80.0169.5 (2.0 to 17.0)3.9 (−3.9 to 11.7)
 Number of painful joints (0–30)11.3±6.87.9±7.80.0093.4 (0.9 to 6.0)1.5 (−1.2 to 4.2)
 Pain intensity (0–90)8.7±7.26.6±7.00.0822.1 (−0.2 to 4.4)1.0 (−1.5 to 3.5)
 AUSCAN function (0–36)17.3±8.713.2±8.70.0064.1 (1.2 to 6.9)3.0 (−0.1 to 6.1)
 MHQ overall function (0–100)53.5±14.861.2±15.60.004−7.5 (−12.7 to −2.4)−4.8 (−10.2 to 0.6)
 MHQ ADL (0–100)73.2±19.479.3±17.80.049−6.3 (−12.2 to −0.3)−4.4 (−10.8 to 1.9)
  work performance (0–100)65.2±24.571.1±25.90.182−6.2 (−14.9 to 2.5)−5.5 (−14.9 to 3.9)
 Grip strength (kg)19.7±8.421.7±10.70.241−1.6 (−4.2 to 1.0)−1.0 (−3.8 to 1.8)
 Pinch grip (kg)3.2±1.83.2±1.50.8720.1 (−0.3 to 0.6)0.1 (−0.4 to 0.6)
 HAMIS (0–27)5.7±4.03.7±2.6<0.0012.1 (1.2 to 3.0)1.2 (0.3 to 2.1)
 Fingertip to palm distance (mm)54.0±52.115.1±27.3<0.00139.1 (28.0 to 50.2)26.6 (15.4 to 37.8)
 SF-36 PCS44.1±9.044.9±9.10.559−1.2 (−4.2 to 1.8)−1.2 (−4.5 to 2.1)
 SF-36 MCS50.2±9.450.6±10.50.800−0.1 (−3.5 to 3.4)−0.4 (−4.1 to 3.3)
MHQ function satisfaction (0–100)45.5±19.661.6±25.6<0.001−16.1 (−24.4 to −7.7)−11.0 (−19.8 to −2.1)
MHQ aesthetic satisfaction (0–100)74.6±15.285.4±16.3<0.001−10.9 (−16.3 to −5.5)−8.6 (−14.3 to −2.8)
Number of IP joint nodes (0–18)15.0±3.010.6±4.6<0.0014.4 (3.0 to 5.8)NA
  • * Adjusted for age, sex, BMI and family effects. Non-EOA was reference group.

  • Adjusted for number of nodes, age, sex, BMI and family effects. Non-EOA was reference group.

  • ADL, activities of daily living; AUSCAN, Australian/Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index; BMI, body mass index; EOA, erosive osteoarthritis; HAMIS, Hand Mobility in Scleroderma; HRQL, health-related quality of life; IP, interphalangeal; MCS, Mental Component Summary Scale; MHQ, Michigan Hand Outcome Questionnaire; NA, not applicable; PCS, Physical Component Summary Scale; SF-36, Short Form-36.