Table 1 Characteristics of randomised controlled trials included in the meta-analysis
Trial/referenceRandomly assigned patientsDisease characteristicsActive treatment groups (n)Control group (n)Duration of trial
TNR 00102Unpublished158 (153)*Active RA with inadequate response to MTXEtanercept 10 mg biw (52)Placebo (50)12 Weeks
Etanercept 25 mg biw (52)
160004Moreland et al, 199720180 (180) *Active RA with inadequate response to ⩾1 DMARDEtanercept 0.25 mg/m2 biw (46)Placebo (44)12 Weeks
Etanercept 2.0 mg/m2 biw (46)
Etanercept 16.0 mg/m2 biw (44)
160009Moreland et al, 199921246 (234) *Active RA with inadequate response to ⩾1 DMARDEtanercept 10 mg biw (76)Placebo (80)26 Weeks
Etanercept 25 mg biw (78)With extension up to 52 weeks
160012Bathon et al, 20006654 (632)*Active early RA <3 years (no previous MTX)Etanercept 10 mg biw (208)Placebo + MTX (217)104 Weeks
Etanercept 25 mg biw (207)
Genovese et al, 200218
16001489 (89)*Active RA with inadequate response to MTXEtanercept 25 mg biw + MTX (59)Placebo + MTX (30)24 Weeks
Weinblatt et al, 199923
160029564 (534)*Active RA and at least one comorbidity that increases the likelihood of infectionEtanercept 25 mg biw (266)Placebo (269)16 Weeks
Baumgartner et al, 200424 (abstract)
0881300Ericson and Wadjula, 199926 (abstract)559 (558)*Active RA with inadequate response to ⩾1 DMARDEtanercept 10 mg qw (122)Placebo (105)12 Weeks
Etanercept 25 mg qw (111)
Etanercept 10 mg biw (110)
Etanercept 25 mg biw (111)
0881308Klareskog et al, 200419686 (682)*Active RA with inadequate response to DMARD other than MTXEtanercept 25 mg biw (223)MTX + placebo (228)Approx 180 weeks
Etanercept 25 mg biw + MTX (231)
van der Heijde et al, 200622
van der Heijde et al, 200628 (abstract)
Mola et al, 200627 (abstract)
0881309Combe et al, 200617260 (254)*Active RA with inadequate response to sulfasalazineEtanercept 25 mg biw + sufasalazine (101)Sulfasalazine + placebo (50)104 Weeks
Etanercept 25 mg biw + placebo (103)
Combe et al, 200525 (abstract)
  • *Values in parentheses refer to the number of randomly assigned patients who received at least one allocated treatment dose. biw, twice weekly; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; MTX, methotrexate; qw, every week; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.