Table 1 Location of plain radiographic and CT findings
SitePlain radiographic erosionCT erosionCT tophus*CT intraosseous tophus
DIPJ, n  =  15951 (32.1%)33 (20.8%)41 (25.8%)27 (17.0%)
PIPJ/IPJ, n  =  19986 (43.2%)71 (35.7%)78 (39.2%)55 (27.6%)
MCPJ, n  =  20058 (29.0%)54 (27.0%)68 (34.0%)48 (24.0%)
Carpal bones, n  =  16041 (25.6%)47 (29.4%)47 (29.4%)39 (24.4%)
Radius/ulna, n  =  8034 (43%)32 (40%)33 (41%)25 (31%)
Total, n  =  798270 (33.8%)237 (29.7%)267 (33.5%)194 (24.3%)
  • The number and percentage of joints affected by each abnormality is shown.

  • *Tophus adjacent to or within a joint on computed tomography (CT).

  • DIPJ, distal interphalangeal joint; MCPJ, metacarpophalangeal joint; PIPJ/IPJ, proximal interphalangeal joints and interphalangeal joints of the thumbs.