Table 2 Crossclassification of patients by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria based on the 28-joint Disease Activity Score (DAS28) C-reactive protein (CRP) and DAS28 erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) scales at 6 months (AIM (Abatacept in Inadequate responders to Methotrexate) and ATTAIN (Abatacept Trial in Treatment of Anti-TNF INadequate responders) trials, both treatment groups combined*)
Good responder n (%)Moderate responder n (%)Non-responder n (%)
DAS28 (ESR)Good responder n (%)108 (14.4)†12 (1.6)1 (0.1)
Moderate responder n (%)56 (7.4)352 (46.8)†24 (3.2)
Non-responder n (%)0 (0)39 (5.2)160 (21.3)†
  • *n = 752, based on all randomised and treated patients with CRP and ESR measurements available; †indicates agreement between EULAR response criteria based on DAS28 (ESR) and DAS28 (CRP).