Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics
Infliximab(n = 17)Placebo(n = 9)Testp ValueTotal
    Gender (proportion female)14/178/9χ2 test0.66022/26
    Age (years)48 (12)50 (16)t test0.66349(14)29–77
Vascular assessments
    PWV (m/s)8.8 (1.4)9.4 (2.3)t test0.4389.0(1.7)6.5–12.7
    Mean CIMT (mm)0.9 (0.3)0.9 (0.3)t test0.7090.9(0.3)0.4–1.6
    CAP (number with each combined grade 0/1/2/3/4)9/4/2/1/17/0/0/2/0χ2 test0.22616/4/2/3/1
RA disease activity
    RF-positive (proportion)7/167/8χ2 test0.04014/24
    ESR (mm/h)39 (26)40 (24)t test0.88239(24)3–88
    CRP (mg/l)32 (47)30 (21)t test0.89832(39)4–186
    Patient global assessment (100 mm)68 (15)70 (25)t test0.82969(18)37–100
    Tender joint count (out of 28)14 (7)15 (7)t test0.83714.5(6.8)3–26
    Swollen joint count (out of 28)10 (5)12 (5)t test0.28610.5(5.1)3–21
    DAS286.2 (0.9)6.4 (0.8)t test0.5546.3(0.8)5.2–7.9
Cardiovascular risks
    Smoking status (non/ex/current), N9/5/35/3/1χ2 test0.90514/8/4
    Heart rate (beats/min)69 (11)72 (11)t test0.57070(11)47–90
    Systolic BP (mm Hg)121 (14)124 (18)t test0.642122(15)97–153
    Diastolic BP (mm Hg)75 (7)74 (8)t test0.95174(8)66–99
    BMI (kg/m2)26.0 (6.7)25.7 (6.7)t test0.92125.8(7)17–42
    Total cholesterol (mmol/l)5.1 (1.2)4.7 (0.8)t test0.2424.9(1.1)2.9–7.6
    LDL cholesterol (mmol/l)3.3 (1.0)2.9 (0.7)t test0.369
    HDL cholesterol (mmol/l)1.3 (0.4)1.2 (0.3)t test0.5681.3(0.4)0.8–2.3
    Triglycerides (mmol/l)1.0 (0.5)0.8 (0.3)t test0.2073.2(0.9)1.3–5.1
    HOMA12.4 (10.1)6.8 (3.1)t test0.21410.7(8.9)3.1–34.9
    Adiponectin18773 (7168)18523 (6898)t test0.93318686(6938)7075–36623
  • Data reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise noted.

  • BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CAP, carotid artery plaque; CIMT, carotid intimal medial thickness; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS, disease activity score; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HOMA, insulin resistance measured by log homeostasis model assessment; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; PWV, pulse wave velocity; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor.