Table 6 Studies demonstrating changes in ultrasonography-detected pathology in response to intervention
First author (reference no)JointInterventionFindings
Acebes33KneeIntra-articular steroidsPopilteal cyst size and wall thickness decreased after therapy
Baratto14C spineLow power modulated laser stimuliReduction in soft tissue thickness with therapy
Iagnocco15HandIntra-articular salineUltrasonography can demonstrate capsular distension post-intra-articular saline
Jan35KneeRepetitive short-wave diathermyDecrease in suprapatella sac thickness in the treatment group, but not in control group
Decrease in pain index after therapy correlated with decrease in synovial sac thickness
Monteforte25C spineLaser therapySubcutaneous tissue thickness reduced after laser therapy
Reardon19KneeObservation post-surgeryNo significant increase in quadriceps thickness Symptomatic side remained significantly thinner than other side
Su40HipObservation post-total hip replacementPosterior structure integrity improved with time
Tarasevicius41HipObservation post-total hip replacementCapsular distension at 6 months improves at 12 months
  • C spine, cervical spine.