Table 2 Summary of serious infections* in the 12 randomised placebo-controlled trials included in these meta-analyses
TreatmentNo. of trials(references)No. of patients treated† (biological/placebo groups)Duration of follow-up (weeks)No. of patients with at least 1 serious infection in biotherapy groups and by dose group(no. of participants)No. of patients with at least 1 serious infection in placebo groups(no. of participants)
Rituximab3 10 22 231143 (745/398)24–480 Rituximab 500 mg (124)6 (398)
17 Rituximab 1000 mg (621)
Abatacept5 9 24282945 (1960/985)24–480 Abatacept 0.5 mg/kg (26)18 (985)
2 Abatacept 2 mg/kg (137)
47 Abatacept 10 mg/kg (1797)
Anakinra4 8 29312771 (2062/729)240 Anakinra 0.04 mg/kg (63)4 (729)
0 Anakinra 0.1 mg/kg (74)
0 Anakinra 0.4 mg/kg (77)
0 Anakinra 1 mg/kg (59)
0 Anakinra 2 mg/kg (72)
0 Anakinra 30 mg per day (119)
1 Anakinra 75 mg per day (116)
25 Anakinra 100 mg per day (1367)
4 Anakinra 150 mg per day (116)
  • *Serious infection was defined as life-threatening, requiring intravenous antibiotics or hospitalisation.

  • †Number of patients who received at least one dose of study medication in this arm of randomisation and were analysed.