Table 4

Attribution of high priority ranking to groups of domains by 96 patients: comparisons across countries

Group of domainsDomains includedPercentage with high priorityRange of percentagesPercentage in 5 countries with higher GDPPercentage in 5 countries with lower GDPp Value
PhysicalPain, functional disability, physical well-being, sleep disturbance8140–10070920.007
PsychologicalDepression, anxiety, emotional well-being, feeling a burden to others, coping4730–7050440.7
SocioeconomicProfessional life, social role, family life, socioeconomic issues4010–8339400.9
GeneralSexuality, drug side effects, satisfaction with health care3010–6030300.9
  • GDP, gross domestic product/capita in 2005.