Table 1 Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics
Demographic/characteristicAbatacept + MTX (n = 156)Placebo + MTX (n = 110)Infliximab + MTX (n = 165)
Age, years (SD)49.0 (12.5)49.4 (11.5)49.1 (12.0)
Gender, % female83.387.382.4
Race, % Caucasian80.876.480.6
Geographic origin:
    North America, n (%)16 (10.3)10 (9.1)15 (9.1)
    South America, n (%)93 (59.6)66 (60.0)96 (58.2)
    Europe, n (%)39 (25.0)29 (26.4)39 (23.6)
    Rest of the world, n (%)8 (5.1)5 (4.5)15 (9.1)
Disease duration, years (SD)7.9 (8.5)8.4 (8.6)7.3 (6.2)
Tender joints, n (SD)31.6 (13.9)30.3 (11.7)31.7 (14.5)
Swollen joints, n (SD)21.3 (8.6)20.1 (7.0)20.3 (8.0)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, mm/h (SD)49.4 (31.2)47.0 (32.6)47.8 (30.4)
C-reactive protein levels, mg/dl (SD)3.1 (2.7)2.7 (2.6)3.3 (3.2)
DAS28 (ESR), n (SD)6.9 (1.0)6.8 (1.0)6.8 (0.9)
HAQ-DI, 0–3 (SD)1.8 (0.6)1.8 (0.7)1.7 (0.7)
Rheumatoid factor positive, n (%)136 (87.2)85 (77.3)140 (84.8)
Concomitant medications
Total patients on concomitant medications, n (%)156 (100)110 (100)165 (100)
MTX, n (%)156 (100)110 (100)164 (99.4)
    Dose, mg/week (SD)16.5 (3.7)16.6 (3.7)16.3 (3.6)
    Duration, months (SD)18.3 (20.0)23.7 (25.6)23.6 (26.8)
Corticosteroids, n (%)118 (75.6)77 (70.0)118 (71.5)
NSAIDs, n (%)133 (85.3)93 (84.5)142 (86.1)
  • MTX, methotrexate; DAS28 (ESR), Disease Activity Score 28 (based on erythrocyte sedimentation rate levels); HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.