Table 1 Characteristics of the GARP study and the random control population
Total, no.382*739
Women, no. (%)311 (81.4)429 (58.1)
Age, median (range) years59.7 (42.7–79.4)58.3 (30.0–79.0)
BMI, median (range)26.0 (19.1–46.5)
S-HsCRP†, mean (SEM)3.63 (0.29)
S-HsCRP†, median (range)1.83 (0.21–56.8)
Mean number of affected hand joints (range)4.62 (0–20)
Subjects with severe hand osteoarthritis (%)103 (27)
  • BMI, body mass index (kg/m2); S-HsCRP, serum high sensitive C-reactive protein level (mg/l); GARP, Genetics of osteoARthritis and Progression.

  • *GARP study sample consists 191 sibling pairs, for 381 subjects DNA was available.

  • †Numbers are calculated for subjects with S-HsCRP levels available (n = 353). In all analysis logarithmic transformed values of S-HsCRP were used.