Table 1

Mean erosion and joint space narrowing scores per joint at baseline and week 54

Placebo+MTXInfliximab+MTXp Value
Patients treated291749
    Patients with evaluable radiographs of the hands239631
    Patients with evaluable radiographs of the feet240631
Evaluable joints716018 908
Joints with only ERN at baseline, n (%)610 (8.5)1794 (9.5)
    Baseline ERN score0.95 (0.68)0.96 (0.77)0.650
    Week 54 ERN score0.93 (0.78)0.83 (0.83)<0.001
    Week 54 JSN score0.04 (0.26)0.03 (0.23)0.479
Joints with only JSN at baseline, n (%)315 (4.4)780 (4.1)
    Baseline JSN score1.40 (0.66)1.32 (0.69)0.028
    Week 54 JSN score1.36 (0.81)1.25 (0.81)0.024
    Week 54 ERN score0.13 (0.55)0.05 (0.21)< 0.001
Joints with ERN+JSN at baseline, n (%)265 (3.7)574 (3.0)
    Baseline ERN score1.59 (1.24)1.54 (1.20)0.478
    Week 54 ERN score1.55 (1.27)1.42 (1.19)0.137
    Baseline JSN score1.93 (0.89)1.85 (0.93)0.220
    Week 54 JSN score1.90 (1.01)1.77 (1.08)0.075
    Baseline total score3.52 (1.68)3.39 (1.64)0.288
    Week 54 total score3.46 (1.83)3.19 (1.76)0.045
Joints with no damage at baseline, n (%)5970 (83.4)15 760 (83.4)
    Week 54 ERN score0.05 (0.30)0.02 (0.17)<0.001
    Week 54 JSN score0.02 (0.18)0.01 (0.16)<0.001
  • Data are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise noted.

  • ERN, erosion; JSN, joint space narrowing; MTX, methotrexate.