Table 5

 Relative risk of having rheumatoid nodules in ever smokers compared with never smokers by number of smoked cigarette packs, stratified as rheumatoid factor positive or negative

PacksRF positive patients (68 men, 66 women)RF negative patients (30 men, 35 women)
CasesControlsOR95% CICasesControlsOR95% CI
CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; ref, reference; RF, rheumatoid factor.
04371.0 (ref)5231.0 (ref)
1 to 5000151112.93.5 to 47.35131.70.4 to 7.2
5001 to 950014206.81.9 to 23.9381.40.2 to 8.1
9501 to 37 00015188.32.4 to 29.6170.60.1 to 6.7