Table 2

 Influence of treatment with intravenous CYC on cytological analysis of BALF

All patients (n = 20)Neutrophilic alveolitis (n = 12)Without neutrophilic alveolitis (n = 8)
Before CYCAfter CYCBefore CYCAfter CYCBefore CYCAfter CYC
All values are expressed as median (range).
*p<0.05 v patients with NA before CYC (Mann Whitney U test); †p<0.05 v total group of patients before CYC; ‡p<0.05 v patients with NA before CYC (Wilcoxon matched pairs test).
CYC, cyclophosphamide; NA, neutrophilic alveolitis.
BAL recovery (%)51.0 (40.0–67.0)52.0 (40.0–70.0)52 (40.0–63.0)55.0 (40.0–66.0)49.0 (41.0–67.0)50.0 (40.0–70.0)
Total cell count (×104/ml)25.0 (10.0–100.0)20.0† (10.0–50.0)25.0 (10.0–100.0)20.5 (10.0–45.0)25.0 (15.0–80.0)20.0 (10.0–50.0)
Neutrophils (%)5.0 (1.0–19.0)3.0 (1.0–13.0)10.0 (4.0–19.0)4.5‡ (2.0–13.0)2.0* (1.0–3.0)2.0 (1.0–4.0)
Lymphocytes (%)19.0 (8.0–53.0)20.0 (8.0–50.0)16.0 (9.0–38.0)19.0 (8.0–53.0)26.0 (8.0–53.0)23.5 (15.0–39.0)
Eosinophils (%)0.5 (0.0–5.0)0.0 (0.0–1.0)1.1 (0.0–5.0)0.0‡ (0.0–1.0)0.0* (0.0.–1.0)0.0 (0.0–1.0)
Macrophages (%)71.0 (45.0–90.0)75.0 (70.0–86.0)69.5 (46.0–84.0)73.0 (44.0–86.0)74.0 (45.0–90.0)73.5 (58.0–83.0)