Table 3

 Cumulative organ damage at the end of follow up

Results are shown as No (%).
*p<0.001; †p = 0.044; ‡p<0.001, renal and treatment means damage from both in the same patient; §cognitive impairment, seizures, cerebrovascular accidents, psychosis, cranial or peripheral neuropathies; ¶>3.5 g of protein/day or measured glomerular filtration rate <50% or end stage renal disease (regardless of dialysis or transplantation; **coronary artery disease, myocardial infarctions, peripheral thromboses, pericarditis; ††pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary emboli; ‡‡cataract, diabetes mellitus, muscle atrophy, amenorrhoea.
Cumulative SLICC* median (min–max)1 (0–12)2 (0–11)
Neuropsychiatric§27/100 (27)13/50 (26)
Renal¶7/100 (7)8/50 (16)
Cardiovascular**18/100 (18)16/50 (32)
Pulmonary††5/100 (5)4/50 (8)
Treatment related‡‡18/100 (18)14/50 (28)
Splenectomy†0/100 (0)2/50 (4)
Renal and treatment‡0/100 (0)6/50 (12)