Table 1

 Baseline characteristics of the patients*

PlaceboInfliximab 5 mg/kg
*Results are shown as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.
Patients randomised (n)100100
Female sex (%)4929
Age (years)46.5 (11.3)47.1 (12.8)
PsA subtype (%)
    Arthritis involving distal interphalangeal joints2326
    Arthritis mutilans21
    Asymmetric peripheral arthritis2218
    Polyarticular arthritis4753
    Spondylitis with peripheral arthritis62
PsA duration (years)7.5 (7.8)8.4 (7.2)
ACR component
    Number of swollen joints (0–66)14.4 (8.9)13.9 (7.9)
    Number of tender joints (0–68)25.1 (13.3)24.6 (14.1)
    CRP (mg/l)23 (34)19 (21)
    Physician’s global assessment of disease activity (VAS; 0–10 cm)5.9 (1.7)5.5 (1.8)
    Patient’s global assessment of disease activity (VAS; 0–10 cm)5.9 (2.2)5.4 (2.1)
    Patient’s assessment of pain (VAS; 0–10 cm)5.9 (2.3)5.6 (2.1)
    HAQ disability index (0–3)1.1 (0.6)1.1 (0.6)
Duration of morning stiffness (0–1440 min)183.4 (308.8)216.0 (376.0)
Patients with 1 or more dactylitis digits (%)4140
Patients with enthesopathy (%)3542
Psoriasis evaluation
    Patients with ⩾3% BSA affected with psoriasis (%)8783
        PASI score (0–72)10.2 (9.0)11.4 (12.7)
    Target lesion score (0–12)6.2 (1.9)5.9 (2.2)
SF-36 score
    Physical component (0–100)31.0 (9.0)33.0 (9.4)
    Mental component (0–100)47.0 (11.9)45.5 (11.9)
Baseline drug
    Patients taking MTX (%)4547
    Patients taking oral corticosteroids (%)1015
    Patients taking NSAIDs (%)7371