Table 2

 The 17 items of the complete WOMAC function subscale ranked in importance by patients and rheumatologists

ItemPatients’ opinions* (n = 1349)Rheumatologists’ opinions† (n = 497)Patients’ ranking‡Rheumatologists’ ranking§Proportion of missing data (%)
Each patient selected the five items they considered the most important to be improved by treatment; each rheumatologist selected the five items for which their patients are generally most impaired. Excluded items are in italics.
*Percentage of patients who considered this item as one of the five most important.
†Percentage of rheumatologists who considered this item as one of the five most important.
‡Rank of the item based on the percentage of patients who considered this item as one of the five most important.
§Rank of the item based on the percentage of rheumatologists who considered this item as one of the five most important.
Descending stairs64.1073.85110.22
Ascending stairs62.6547.90250.29
Walking on the flat50.2028.15380.15
Getting in/out of a car41.4551.90440.22
Rising from sitting39.9066.00530.37
Going shopping34.1019.306100.95
Getting on/off the toilet33.6528.95770.37
Putting on socks/stockings30.8566.80820.44
Getting in/out of the bath 30.0045.6596 4.26
Performing light domestic duties 26.6510.251012 4.77
Performing heavy domestic duties 26.3023.75119 5.29
Standing 25.709.0512 13 0.22
Taking off socks/stockings 11.9517.10 13 110.59
Sitting 8.403.20 14 15 0.37
Rising from bed 7.055.65 15 14 0.37
Bending to floor 4.602.00 16 16 0.22
Lying in bed 2.400.40 17 17 0.22