Table 2

 Intention to treat analysis of clinical outcomes at all end points. Values are given median (range)

VariableInfliximab + methotrexate group (n = 28)Placebo + methotrexate group (n = 14)INF v placebo p Value
BaselineWeek 4Week 10Week 30BaselineWeek 4Week 10Week 30Week 30
*p<0.005, Wilcoxon signed rank test comparing baseline data with week 30 within groups.
**p<0.003, Mann-Whitney U test comparing change scores (week 30 minus baseline) between groups.
BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index 0–10; EMS, early morning stiffness; VAS, visual analogue scale; DAS, Disease Activity Score; ASQoL, Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Index; CRP, C reactive protein.
BASFI6.68 (1.90–9.63)5.61 (0.32–9.60)4.96 (0.32–8.84)5.04 (0.61–9.14)*6.00 (3.84–10)4.90 (0.23–9.66)6.10 (0.89–9.59)5.68 (2.69–9.59)0.196
EMS (min)60 (15–120)45 (0–120)15 (0–120)30 (0–120)75 (10–120)37.5 (0–120)45 (0–120)60 (5–120)0.298
VAS (mm):
    Pain day57.5 (17–96)28.5 (0–100)20.5 (0–100)30 (0–100)66 (24–100)60 (6–100)55 (6–98)58.5 (17–98)0.043
    Pain night63.5 (11–100)21 (0–100)11 (0–93)22 (0–93)*76.5 (33–100)65 (12–100)63.5 (6–97)58.5 (22–97)0.235
    Enthesopathy75 (0–100)30.5 (0–83)16 (0–100)29.5 (0–100)*73 (9–100)62 (8–100)51 (11–98)46 (11–98)0.488
Physician DAS63.5 (36–96)24.5 (4–80)19.5 (2–54)23.5 (0–65)*62 (29–98)46.5 (8–78)48.5 (12–78)57.5 (27–92)0.001**
ASQoL14 (2–18)10.5 (0–18)7.5 (0–17)8.5 (0–18)*13.5 (8–18)11.5 (0–18)14 (2–18)14.5 (5–18)0.144
CRP (mg/l)30.5 (10–153)6 (0–104)5.5 (0–50)8.5 (0–79)*30 (13–60)22 (10–52)21 (7–92)26 (7–56)0.017