Table 2

 Demographic and anthropometric characteristics of matched cases and controls. Values are medians (IQR) unless otherwise stated

Cases (n = 73)Controls (n = 146)p Value*
*Wilcoxon signed rank test; †χ2 test; ‡Townsend deprivation score: larger numbers indicate higher level of deprivation.
Women, No (%)51 (70)102 (70)
Age in years (range)60 (52–68)61 (52–68)
Height (m)164.4 (159.6–170.5)161.8 (157.8–169.5)0.03
Weight (kg)72.6 (67.4–82.4)70.8 (63.0–80.2)0.09
BMI (kg/m2)27.1 (24.9–30.0)26.3 (24.3–29.2)0.42
Obesity: BMI>30, No (%)18 (25)27 (18)0.29†
Smoking, No (%)
    Current15 (21)19 (13)
    Former28 (39)57 (40)0.28†
    Never28 (39)68 (47)
Pack-years of smoking25.0 (9.0–34.0)12.6 (5.3–26.5)0.03
Townsend deprivation score‡−2.61 (−3.48 to −1.11)−2.51 (−3.6 to −1.21)0.71