Table 2

Results of ANA and anti-dsDNA testing by various methods grouped according to disease classification in a randomly collected cohort of ANA positive subjects. Figures represent mean values (SD) unless otherwise indicated

OD ratio* (SD)Positive No (%)Units (SD)Positive No (%)Units (SD)Positive No (%)Units (SD)Positive No (%)Titre (SD)
n, number of patients in each diagnostic group.
*Ratio of the OD in ELISA obtained with patient serum and the OD of a weakly positive reference ANA antibody. For cut off values and analytical details, see “Materials and methods”.
VORD, various other rheumatic diseases.
SLE (39)4.4 (1.6)32 (82)171 (48)31 (79)171 (51)17 (44)138 (196)16 (41)159 (212)
SS (25)5.3 (1.8)10 (40)143 (61)4 (16)164 (70)3 (12)89 (56)1 (4)80 (−)
RA (17)4 (1.1)8 (47)165 (51)5 (29)200 (0)1 (6)48 (−)0
UCTD (9)3.6 (1.7)2 (22)120 (21)2 (22)194 (8)2 (22)59 (0.2)0
VORD (9)4.6 (1.9)3 (33)141 (87)2 (22)127 (88)00
Normal subjects (59)3.9 (1.7)24 (41)145 (60)18 (31)146 (53)13 (22)46 (49)0