Table 2

Characteristics of the patients at the follow up visit

Lymecycline group (n=9)Placebo group (n=8)Total (n=17)
*Number of patients.
    Mean (range)46.3 (30–63)42.4 (26–52)44.5 (26–63)
    Female49.6 (30–63)5049.7 (30–63)
    Male42.3 (33–51)42.3 (26–52)41.6 (26–52)
During follow up
    Low back pain8 (89%)8 (100%)16 (94%)
    Joint symptoms4 (44%)6 (75%)10 (59%)
At follow up visit
    Low back pain4 (44%)3 (38%)7 (42%)
    Number of patients with tender joints3 (33%)3 (38%)6 (35%)
    Number of tender joints median (range)0 (0–3)0 (0–5)0 (0–5)
    Number of patients with swollen joints1 (11%)2 (25%)3 (18%)
    Number of swollen joints median (range)0 (0–1)0 (0–2)0 (0–2)
Recurrent reactive arthritis202
Recurrent iritis during follow up123
Lumbosacral radiology
    Inflammatory lesions*314
    Non-inflammatory changes*426