Table 1

Demographic and descriptive characteristics of the study group. Values are given as median and range

Total (n=21)AS (n=3)AS + PA (n=7)PsA (n=9)uSpA (n=2)
AS, ankylosing spondylitis; AS + PA, ankylosing spondylitis with peripheral arthritis; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; uSpA, undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy.
Age (years)49 (26–73)33 (26–65)44 (28–59)49 (30–73)48 (39–58)
Sex (M/F)17/43/06/16/32/0
Disease duration (years)17 (1–42)15 (9–40)17 (10–33)19 (1–42)15 (3–28)
Swollen joint count (0–66)3 (0–12)02 (1–4)9 (1–12)9 (8–10)
Axial morning stiffness (min)90 (60–120)90 (30–240)
Axial night pain (0–3)3 (2–3)3 (1–3)
Sedimentation rate (mm/1st h)44 (10–101)26 (10–74)44 (10–101)27 (13–51)60 (29–92)
C reactive protein (mg/l)46 (7–290)55 (29–64)92 (7–290)34 (7–61)61 (30–91)
HLA-B27 (+/−)14/53/06/14/31/1