Table 2

Radiographic progression of joint damage in the intention to treat population (n=272, mean (SD) and median (IQR))

Cyclosporin (n = 121)*Gold (n = 121)*
Mean (SD)Median (IQR)Mean (SD)Median (IQR)p Value†
IQR, interquartile range
*Thirty patients failed to provide complete x ray findings between baseline and month 36; †p value from two way analysis of covariance for baseline comparisons and from two way analysis of covariance for change from baseline comparisons.
Larsen-Dale score
    Baseline14.8 (18.8)8 (0-24)14.0 (18.9)6 (0-22)0.81
    Increase from baseline by month 1810.0 (13.1)6 (0-17)10.3 (13.1)6 (0-14)0.42
    Increase from baseline by month 3615.5 (17.3)12 (0-25)13.9 (17.2)10 (1-20)0.52
Number of eroded joints
    Baseline4.0 (5.1)2 (0-7)4.0 (5.2)2 (0-7)0.60
    Increase from baseline by month 182.6 (3.3)2 (0-4)2.8 (4.2)1 (0-4)0.68
    Increase from baseline by month 363.7 (4.3)3 (0-6)3.8 (5.4)2 (0-5)0.61
Number of erosions
    Baseline7.5 (13.2)2 (0-10)7.5 (13.6)2 (0-9)0.67
    Increase from baseline by month 185.8 (9.4)3 (0-8)5.3 (8.5)2 (0-6)0.25
    Increase from baseline by month 3610.0 (13.3)6 (1-15)8.4 (11.7)4 (1-12)0.30