Table 2

Home IV immunoglobulin infusion guidelines for patients with autoimmune disease

1.Need for a defined diagnosis
2.Presence of rational physiopathological basis that could “legitimise” the use of IV immunoglobulin
3.Senior hospital prescription
4.Respect of the contraindication of home IV immunoglobulin programme: coronaropathy, insufficiency or ischaemic cardiopathy, recent stroke, nephropathy, uncontrolled hypertension, thrombosis of the perfused vein; hypersensibility reaction after the first or second hospital infusion
5.More than one hospital based infusion before infusion at home to assess the tolerance
6.Average flow rate of IV immunoglobulin no quicker than 10 g per two hours
7.Collaboration with a home care organisation for visiting nurses and for collection of tubing and used bottles