Table 4

Results (mean (SD)) of blood tests (“observation group”) in patients with primary SS (pSS), patients with secondary SS (sSS), total number of patients with SS (SS), and SS negative patients (non-SS). Significant difference between “SS” and “non-SS” marked with *. Statistical test used: independent sample t test. 95% Confidence interval of the difference (CI-diff) given. (Note: if zero is not included in the interval the difference is significant)

pSS (n=33)sSS (n=25)SS (n=58)Non-SS (n=42)CI-diff (SS v non-SS)
†If group mean is above normal range (N), the prevalence (%) of raised values is given between brackets.
Haemoglobin (mmol/l) (N: 7.5–9.9)8.2 (0.5)7.7 (0.8)8.0 (0.7)8.4 (0.7)−0.7 to −0.2*
MCV (fl) (N: 80.0–96.0)87.7 (4.5)90.0 (4.8)88.8 (4.7)89.3 (4.3)−2.6 to 1.5
Leucocyte count (109/l) (N: 4.0–11.0)5.7 (1.3)6.8 (2.0)6.2 (1.7)8.0 (2.4)−2.7 to −0.9*
Neutrophils (%) (N: 45–75)66 (8)65 (13)65 (10)66 (10)−5 to 5
Lymphocytes (%) (N: 25–50)24 (6)25 (10)25 (8)26 (9)−6 to 3
Thrombocyte count (109/l) (N: 150–300)235 (65)278 (110)254 (89)253 (74)−35 to 36
ESR (mm/1st h)† (N: 0–6)35 (28) (100%)44 (38) (78%)40 (33) (91%)15 (19) (35%)13 to 37*
CRP (mg/l)† (N: 0–5)9 (11) (65%)15 (24) (68%)12 (18) (66%)3 (6) (28%)3 to 15*
    Total† (N: −18)29.2 (7.8) (97%)30.0 (14.1) (90%)29.9 (10.6) (94%)18.0 (4.5) (33%)8.3 to 15.5*
    IgG† (N: 8.5–15.0)22.5 (7.1) (95%)23.0 (9.5) (90%)22.8 (8.1) (93%)13.4 (3.5) (20%)6.7 to 12.1*
    IgA† (N: 0.9–4.5)3.7 (2.6) (16%)4.5 (5.1) (33%)4.1 (3.7) (23%)2.7 (1.4) (8%)0.3 to 2.6*
    IgM† (N: 0.6–2.6)3.0 (3.8) (32%)2.5 (2.5) (25%)2.8 (3.3) (29%)1.9 (0.8) (20%)−0.2 to 2.0