Table 1

Absolute numbers and annual incidences/100000 of inflammatory joint diseases in Kronoberg county in southern Sweden

DiagnosisnIncidence (95% CI)nIncidence (95% CI)nIncidence (95% CI)
Rheumatoid arthritis1929 (17 to 45)1218 (9 to 32)3124 (16 to 33)
Reactive arthritis2335 (22 to 52)1421 (12 to 36)3728 (20 to 39)
Undifferentiated arthritis2741 (27 to 59)2741 (27 to 60)5441 (31 to 54)
Psoriatic arthritis812 (5 to 24)35 (1 to 13)118 (4 to 15)
Lyme arthritis12 (0 to 8)23 (0 to 11)32 (0 to 7)
Sarcoid arthritis00 (0 to 6)35 (1 to 13)32 (0 to 7)
Other1015 (2 to 32)23 (0 to 11)129 (5 to 16)
Total88132 (106 to 163)6396 (74 to 123)151115 (97 to 134)