Table 2

Effect of shared epitope on treatment response

Shared epitope statusTreatment groupp Value2-151
MethotrexateSulphasalazine-hydroxychloroquineAll three drugs
Successful completersEfficacy failuresSuccessful completersEfficacy failuresSuccessful completersEfficacy failuresMTX v tripleS and H v tripleMTX v S and H
Positive7 (32%)1510 (45%)1217 (94%)1<0.001<0.0020.35
Negative5 (83%)13 (38%)57 (88%)10.690.060.09
p Value2-150 <0.040.520.53
  • 2-150 p Value for comparisons of completers based on epitope status within each treatment group.

  • 2-151 p Value for comparison of treatment groups with the same epitope status.