Table 1

Clinical and laboratory data in six patients with renal vein thrombosis

Patient (age) LN Clinical symptom APS profile NS Initial renal function Previous APS symptom Lupus features at time of RVT diagnosis
Patient 1
Class IV
AI: 13, CI: 4
Peripheral oedemaACA 3.65, PLT: 209(+,4m*)Transient GFR↓, ERPF↓Pulmonary HTActive lupus nephritis
Flank sorenessRPR (−), APTT→Creatinine↑, TP: 3.8 g
Patient 2
Class III
AI: 14, CI: 5
Peripheral oedemaACA: 56, PLT: 112
RPR (−), APTT↑
(+,4m)BUN/Cr: normal
TP: 4.1 g
Raynaud, CRAO, skin ulceration, AVN, digital gangrenePleural effusion, arthritis, haemolytic anaemia and vasculitis
Patient 3
Class V
AI: 12, CI: 5
Peripheral oedemaACA: 1.12, PLT: 349(+,3m)Transient GFR↓, ERPF↓Pulmonary HTArthralgia, malar rash with rapid increase of proteinuria
Flank sorenessRPR (−), APTT→Creatinine↑, TP: 4.4 g
Patient 4
Class V
AI: 16, CI: 4
Peripheral oedemaACA: 26.2, PLT: 75(+,2m)BUN/Cr: normal
TP: 3.7 g
Pulmonary HT, AVN, deep vein thrombosis, repeated abortionDigital vasculitis, fever, active lupus nephritis
RPR (−), APTT→
Patient 5
Class IV
AI: 17, CI: 5
Peripheral oedemaACA: 310, PLT: 60
RPR (+), APTT↑
(+,4m)BUN/Cr: normal
TP: 5.3 g
Repeated abortion, brain atrophyMalar rash, pericardial effusion, haemolytic anaemia
Old lacunar infarction
Patient 6
Class IV
AI: 11, CI: 7
Peripheral oedemaACA: 22.4, PLT: 43(+,2m)Cr: 6.2, Acute renal
failure, TP: 4.1 g
Multiple cerebral infarctionSynovitis, fever, malar rash
RPR (−), APTT→
  • LN: Lupus nephritis, classified according to WHO criteria; APS: antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; NS: nephrotic syndrome ; ACA: anticardiolipin antibody, IgG subclass, with normal range 15 GPL unit/ml; CRAO: central retinal artery occlusion; AVN: avascular necrosis; ↑, ↓, →: increased, decreased, and normal range, respectively; PLT: platelet count, platelet count ×103/μl; ERPF: effective renal plasma flow, determined by scintigraphy; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; TP: 24 hours total urine protein; AI: active renal biopsy index; CI: chronic index, Cr: creatinine; RPR: rapid plasma reagin. *Duration of a previous nephrotic syndrome history (months) before diagnosis of renal vein thrombosis.