Table of contents
June 2019 - Volume 78 - Suppl 2
- Speakers Abstracts
- Wednesday, 12 June 2019
- New avenues of OA & osteoporosis management
- Best practices in spondyloarthritis
- How to maintain remission in vasculitis
- CPPD – a forgotten disease that requires more attention ??!!!
- Comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis
- Environmental influences on disease development
- Pharmaceutical pipeline in OA
- What’s new: Latest news on biological treatment
- How to perform low-budget high-quality research
- Health Professional Welcome session
- EULAR Projects in paediatric rheumatology
- Crystal I
- Capillaroscopy I
- Bringing digital health care solutions to patients
- Rehabilitation; opening Pandora’s Box
- Personalised medicine in rheumatic disease
- The riddle of adherence
- Thursday, 13 June 2019
- Advances in understanding and treating of SLE
- From child to adult care - breaking down the barriers of transition
- Spondyloarthritides and vasculitis - new perspectives on outcome
- Can imaging improve outcome in OA ?
- Can drugs and surgery help people with joint pain increase activity?
- My joints hurt and I’m overwhelmingly tired - fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis
- Molecular fingerprinting
- Adults are just grown up children! Discuss
- Exercise - more than a wonderdrug
- Getting a grip on the co-morbidities in gout
- Treatment is more than drugs
- Challenging projects in education and training
- Ultrasound basic I
- Interstitial lung disease in rheumatic diseases and systemic sclerosis
- Diagnostic challenges in vasculitis
- How to manage and treat childhood onset lupus? A multidisciplinary point of view
- Radiographic progression in arthritides: still valid or a tale from the past!?
- Difficult to manage Sjögren’s syndrome and Myositis
- Anergy, exhaustion or post-activation in autoimmunity; Facts and future consequences
- Fracture liaison service: an opportunity for rheumatologists to focus on secondary fracture prevention
- How not to smoke like a chimney
- Scientific data visualization: focus on (poster) presentation
- Should we worry about anything else; also young people have multi-morbidities
- EULAR Projects in investigative rheumatology
- Ultrasound advanced I
- Fighting and fixing: from initiation to resolution of inflammation
- Friday, 14 June 2019
- Seeing is believing: Nanotechnologies in tissue imaging
- Paradigm shifts in arthritides
- Safety First! Infectious complications and pregnancy issues in patients with rheumatic diseases
- Immunosuppression in SSc – a matter of timing!
- Predicting short-term fracture risk: can we foresee the (close) future?
- Primary and secondary fibromyalgia; are they different?
- Joint EULAR - EFIS: Combatting or harnessing ILC in the battle against autoimmunity
- Optimizing the access to new treatments for RMD patients
- New assessments in clinical practice
- The benefits of involving patients in health technology assessment
- Capillaroscopy II
- Ultrasound basic II
- Jewels in the crown of health professionals
- New insights into JIA and autoinflammatory diseases
- Overdiagnosis and overtreatment in inflammatory arthritis
- The multiple rheumatological faces of PsA (or PsA is more than just poly-arthritis? - Consequences for management in daily practice)
- Cannabis for arthritis: hype or hope?
- Reproductive issues in rheumatology
- The future of therapeutic strategies
- Calming the cytokine storm in children and adults
- Know your methods! Interactive discussion
- Missing data in clinical research: to impute or not to impute, that is the question
- Don’t panic – round table discussion on risk perception
- Remission - the holy grail? Looking across diseases
- Laboratory course - from the clinic to the lab and back (from translation to prescription)
- Ultrasound advanced II
- Complement and autoimmunity - emerging therapeutic opportunities
- Saturday, 15 June 2019
- Lights at both ends of the tunnel? Advances in GI Involvement in SSc
- Novel autoantibodies in RMD: a neverending quest?
- Lessons learned from checkpoint inhibitors
- Orthotic treatment: is it in or out?
- Current treatment of vasculitis
- Workshop: #ConnectToday and tomorrow: the campaigning continues
- Tackling inflammatory bone disorders in children and adults
- EULAR Projects in clinical affairs
- Skin and eye manifestations in rheumatic diseases
- To image or not to image in spondyloarthritis?
- The lung in rheumatoid arthritis
- Novel treatments and old challenges: where do we stand in the management of antiphospholipid syndrome
- How low should you go? What is the relevant target in T2T in rheumatoid arthritis?
- Behaviour change in fibromyalgia
- How to build a clinical scientist
- Restless lives: managing fatigue, sleep and pain
- EULAR Projects in musculoskeletal imaging
- HPR Highlight session
- Wednesday, 12 June 2019
- Scientific Abstracts
- Oral presentations
- Wednesday, 12 June 2019
- Best practices in spondyloarthritis
- CPPD – a forgotten disease that requires more attention ??!!!
- Comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis
- Environmental influences on disease development
- Pharmaceutical pipeline in OA
- What’s new: Latest news on biological treatment
- How to perform low-budget high-quality research
- Opening Plenary Abstract session
- RA therapy –JAK inhibitors and beyond
- Spondyloarthritis on the move: Thrilling developments
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - treatment
- Crystals
- JIA: From new horizons of treatment to perspectives of current ones
- Myositis and SSc: Clinical highlights 2019
- Bringing digital health care solutions to patients
- Cartilage, synovium and bone
- Rehabilitation; opening Pandora’s Box
- Osteoporosis
- When rheumatoid arthritis (RA) does not walk alone: new data on comorbidities in RA
- Tackling chronic pain; fibromyalgia and back pain
- Personalised medicine in rheumatic disease
- The riddle of adherence
- Thursday, 13 June 2019
- From the cradle to the grave - what does paediatric disease teach us about adult disease?
- Psoriatic arthritis: old and new drugs and how to deal with them?
- “Rheumatoid arthritis – looking before, looking forward!”
- SLE, Sjogren and APS: systemic autoimmunity in the real life
- Diagnostics and imaging procedures
- Vasculitis
- Journeys from bench to bedside in paediatric rheumatology
- Transformative care - the future
- Other orphan diseases
- From child to adult care - breaking down the barriers of transition
- Osteoarthritis: Research in motion
- Systemic sclerosis, myositis and related syndromes - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Genetics, epigenetics and immunity
- Can imaging improve outcome in OA ?
- Different pathophysiological pathways in axial and peripheral disease: Peripheral and axial spondyloarthritis: to split or to lump?
- My joints hurt and I’m overwhelmingly tired - fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis
- Molecular fingerprinting
- Adults are just grown up children! Discuss
- Exercise - more than a wonderdrug
- Getting a grip on the co-morbidities in gout
- Treatment is more than drugs
- Diagnostic challenges in vasculitis
- Difficult to manage Sjögren’s syndrome and Myositis
- Anergy, exhaustion or post-activation in autoimmunity – facts and future consequences
- Fracture liaison service: an opportunity for rheumatologists to focus on secondary fracture prevention
- How not to smoke like a chimney
- Should we worry about anything else – also young people have multi-morbidities
- Fighting and fixing: from initiation to resolution of inflammation
- Friday, 14 June 2019
- Seeing is believing: nanotechnologies in tissue imaging
- Rheumatoid arthritis - biological DMARDs
- How to treat SpA? From physiotherapy to new IL-17 blocking drugs
- SSc and Myositis – novel therapeutic options
- SLE news
- Tackling the challenges of autoimmune / autoinflammatory conditions in children and young people
- Epidemiology
- HPR Abstract session II
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- PARE Abstract session
- Rheumatoid arthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Novel biomarkers in RMDs – next steps towards clinical implementation
- Public health, health services research, and health economics
- Primary and secondary fibromyalgia; are they different?
- Optimizing the access to new treatments for RMD patients
- Teenage look in the mirror (sexuality and body image meeting health care)
- New assessments in clinical practice
- The benefits of involving patients in health technology assessment
- Overdiagnosis and overtreatment in inflammatory arthritis
- Cannabis for arthritis: Hype or hope?
- Reproductive issues in rheumatology
- The future of therapeutic strategies
- Calming the cytokine storm in children and adults
- Remission - the holy grail? Looking across diseases
- Complement and autoimmunity - emerging therapeutic opportunities
- Saturday, 15 June 2019
- Novel autoantibodies in RMD: a neverending quest?
- Lessons learned from checkpoint inhibitors
- Orthotic treatment: is it in or out?
- Current treatment of vasculitis
- Workshop: #ConnectToday and tomorrow: The campaigning continues
- Tackling inflammatory bone disorders in children and adults
- To image or not to image in spondyloarthritis?
- How low should you go? What is the relevant target in T2T in rheumatoid arthritis?
- Restless lives: Managing fatigue, sleep and pain
- EULAR Projects in musculoskeletal imaging
- Late breaking abstracts
- Poster Presentations
- Thursday, 13 June 2019
- Guided Poster Tours
- T01: Cytokines and inflammatory mediators - novel mechanistic pathways in rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases – from science to clinics
- T02: RA, these are exciting times
- T03: Do we harm when we improve? Treatment effects and comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis
- T04: SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment) - Lupus journey
- T05: Clinical aspects of axial SpA: all you want to know, and likely more - part I
- T06: Osteoarthritis: research in motion
- T07: Musculoskeletal pain; molecules to management
- T08: Translational science as the foundation for future therapies in paediatric rheumatology
- T09: How can we improve our care of children and young people with paediatric rheumatic disorders?
- T10: Other orphan diseases - know rare diseases much better
- T11: Diagnostics and imaging procedures - what’s new in imaging - miscellaneous topics
- T12: Health services research
- T13: Furthering clinical management
- T14: PARE Poster tour I
- Posters
- Innate immunity in rheumatic diseases
- Cytokines and inflammatory mediators
- Rheumatoid arthritis - prognosis, predictors and outcome
- Rheumatoid arthritis - comorbidity and clinical aspects
- Rheumatoid arthritis - non biologic treatment
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Vasculitis
- Systemic sclerosis, myositis and related syndromes - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Spondyloarthritis - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Osteoarthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Back pain, mechanical musculoskeletal problems, local soft tissue disorders
- Basic science in paediatric rheumatology
- Paediatric rheumatology
- Other orphan diseases
- Diagnostics and imaging procedures
- Public health, health services research, and health economics
- Epidemiology, risk factors for disease or disease progression
- Guided Poster Tours
- Friday, 14 June 2019
- Guided Poster Tours
- F1: Genetics and epigenetics
- F2: Rheumatoid arthritis – non-biological treatments - upcoming small molecule therapies for RA
- F3: SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - treatment
- F4: Vasculitis
- F5: Clinical science highlights – SSc and Myositis
- F6: Unravelling the pathogenesis of spondyloarthritis: a story of genes, cells and cytokines
- F7: Modern treatments in SpA: about their effect on relevant disease outcomes
- F8: Osteoporosis
- F9: Caring for children and young people with with autoimmune / autoinflammatory conditions
- F10: New options for treatment and care of children and young people with arthritis
- F11: Diagnostics and imaging procedures - what’s new in imaging in RA
- F12: Epidemiology and risk factors
- F13: Lifestyle, exercise
- F14: PARE poster tour II
- Posters
- Genomics, genetic basis of disease and antigen presentation
- Rheumatoid arthritis - comorbidity and clinical aspects
- Rheumatoid arthritis - biological DMARDs
- Rheumatoid arthritis - non biologic treatment
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - treatment
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Vasculitis
- Scleroderma, myositis and related syndromes
- Spondyloarthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Spondyloarthritis - treatment
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Cartilage, synovium and bone
- Paediatric rheumatology
- Other orphan diseases
- Diagnostics and imaging procedures
- Epidemiology, risk factors for disease or disease progression
- Rehabilitation
- Guided Poster Tours
- Saturday, 15 June 2019
- Guided Poster Tours
- S1: Adaptive immunity in rheumatic diseases
- S2: Rheumatoid arthritis – biological DMARDs
- S3: SLE, Sjögren’s and APS: the autoimmunity club
- S4: Surprising and innovative – SSc and Myositis
- S5: Clinical aspects of axial SpA: all you want to know, and likely more - part II
- S6: Psoriatic arthritis: old and new drugs tackling the different manifestations of psoriatic disease
- S7: Crystals
- S8: Infection-related rheumatic diseases
- S9: Clinical challenges in paediatric rheumatology
- S10: Diagnostics and imaging procedures - what’s new in imaging in SpA
- S11: Improving our studies: research methods in epidemiology, health services, and outcome validation
- S12: Epidemiology and risk factors - drug safety and registries
- S13: Validation of outcome measures and biomarkers in RMDs
- S14: How to improve your education
- Posters
- Adaptive immunity (T cells and B cells) in rheumatic diseases
- Rheumatoid arthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Rheumatoid arthritis - prognosis, predictors and outcome
- Rheumatoid arthritis - biological DMARDs
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Vasculitis
- Scleroderma, myositis and related syndromes
- Spondyloarthritis - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Crystal diseases, metabolic bone diseases other than osteoporosis
- Infection-related rheumatic diseases
- Paediatric rheumatology
- Diagnostics and imaging procedures
- Public health, health services research, and health economics
- Epidemiology, risk factors for disease or disease progression
- Validation of outcome measures and biomarkers
- Education
- Guided Poster Tours
- Thursday, 13 June 2019
- Abstracts Accepted for Publication
- Genomics, genetic basis of disease and antigen presentation
- Adaptive immunity (T cells and B cells) in rheumatic diseases
- Innate immunity in rheumatic diseases
- Cytokines and inflammatory mediators
- Cartilage, synovium and bone
- Rheumatoid arthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Spondyloarthritis - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Systemic sclerosis, myositis and related syndromes - etiology, pathogenesis and animal models
- Basic science in paediatric rheumatology
- Rheumatoid arthritis - prognosis, predictors and outcome
- Rheumatoid arthritis - comorbidity and clinical aspects
- Rheumatoid arthritis - biological DMARDs
- Rheumatoid arthritis - non biologic treatment
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - treatment
- SLE, Sjögren’s and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Vasculitis
- Scleroderma, myositis and related syndromes
- Spondyloarthritis - treatment
- Spondyloarthritis - clinical aspects (other than treatment)
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Crystal diseases, metabolic bone diseases other than
- Infection-related rheumatic diseases
- Fibromyalgia
- Back pain, mechanical musculoskeletal problems, local soft tissue disorders
- Paediatric rheumatology
- Other orphan diseases
- Diagnostics and imaging procedures
- Public health, health services research, and health economics
- Epidemiology, risk factors for disease or disease progression
- Validation of outcome measures and biomarkers
- Rehabilitation
- Education
- Wednesday, 12 June 2019
- Oral presentations
- Health Professionals in Rheumatology Abstracts
- Oral presentations
- Poster Presentations
- Abstracts Accepted for Publication
- HPR Epidemiology and public health (including prevention)
- HPR Interventions (educational, physical, social and psychological)
- HPR Measuring health (development and measurement properties of PROs, tests, devices)
- HPR Patients’ perspectives, functioning and health (descriptive: qualitative or quantitative)
- HPR Professional education, training and competencies
- HPR Service developments, innovation and economics in healthcare
- Oral presentations
- People with Arthritis and Rheumatism in Europe Abstracts
- Oral presentations
- Thursday, 13 June 2019 to Saturday, 15 June 2019
- Posters
- Arthritis research
- Best practice campaigning
- Patient information and education
- Best practice campaigning
- Building patient led organisations
- Patient information and education
- Best practice campaigning
- Innovations in arthritis health care
- Building patient led organisations
- Patient information and education
- Psychosocial support
- Work and rehabilitation
- Arthritis research
- Building patient led organisations
- Patient information and education
- Abstracts Accepted for Publication
- Posters
- Oral presentations