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Correction: Comparison of individually tailored versus fixed-schedule rituximab regimen to maintain ANCA-associated vasculitis remission: results of a multicentre, randomised controlled, phase III trial (MAINRITSAN2)

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Charles P, Terrier B, Perrodeau É, et al. Comparison of individually tailored versus fixed-schedule rituximab regimen to maintain ANCA-associated vasculitis remission: results of a multicentre, randomised controlled, phase III trial (MAINRITSAN2). Ann of Rheum Dis 2018;77:1143–9.

Table 1 has been corrected. The figures concerning ANCA-positivity rates at inclusion advertently inversed.

Table 1

General characteristics at inclusion

Also, the sentence in the Limitation section of the Discussion "Fixed-schedule infusion-arm patients were more likely to be ANCA-positive at inclusion." should read "Fixed-schedule infusion-arm patients were less likely to be ANCA-positive at inclusion."

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