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THU0497 Is the secondary osteoporosis something secondary? experience of a secondary osteoporosis consultation
  1. S. García-Carazo,
  2. P. Aguado Acin,
  3. L. Nuño,
  4. A. Villalba,
  5. A. Balsa
  1. Rheumatology, La Paz University Hospital., Madrid, Spain


Background There are many pathologies and drugs that favour the development of Osteoporosis (OP). Although the prevalence of this secondary OP is very high, sometimes assuming a high risk of fracture, it remains an underdiagnosed and undertreated pathology.

Objectives To assess the characteristics of the patients and bone metabolic pathology referred to a secondary OP consultation.

Methods In order to optimise the management of bone metabolic pathology associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and other inflammatory articular diseases, an inflammatory op consultation was founded in april/2012. Faced with the growing demand from other medical specialities, it became a secondary OP Consultation in 2014, 2 days per week. Sociodemographic, clinical, biochemical and densitometric data were collected.

Results 418 patients with a mean age of 58.7±11.3 years were evaluated, 78.9% were women, 15.4% premenopausal. 57.4% of patients had densitometric OP and 25.8% Osteopenia. 22.4% had a fragility fracture (60.6% vertebral, 26.5% peripheral, 1.1% hip, 8.5% peripheral/vertebral). Vitamin D level was deficient in 71% of patients.

The most frequent medical specialities who referred patients to our consultation were Rheumatology (18.9% from early RA Unit and 18.2% from Consultation or Rheumatol. Day Hospital), Gynaecology (12.7%) and Neumology (11.2%). But also, there were patient from Oncology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Haematology and several more medical specialities.

The most frequent underlying diseases were: breast cancer (22.5%, 77.6% in treatment with aromatase inhibitors, early RA (12.4%) and pulmonary disease (11.5%), 41.6% of them were sarcoidosis, other diseases are shown in table 1.

The glucocorticoid-induced OP represented 30.1% of the sample, with a main age of 60.2±11.4 years, being 73% women, 20.6% premenopausal. The most frequent reasons for the use of corticosteroids were: early RA and pulmonary disease (23% respectively), rheumatic diseases (autoimmune dis.(13.5%), established RA (12%), other inflammatory articular disease(7.9%)), multifactorial (8.7%), haematological conditions and kidney transplantation(4% respectively). 42.8% of these patients had densitometric OP and 29.3% osteopenia We found 33 fragility fractures (26.1% of patients), 25 were vertebral (75.7%), peripheral 5 (15.1%) and 3 (9.1%)vertebral and peripheral. In 21.2% of cases, these fractures presented with BMD in the osteopenic range and in 6% with a normal BMD.

Conclusions There are multiple processes that can associate bone metabolic pathology or a secondary OP, with a high prevalence of fragility fracture in these patients, being the rheumatologist a reference for the management of this comorbidity. A monographic consultation of secondary OP has been useful for other medical specialties and to optimise the management of OP associated with inflammatory/autoimmune diseases in Rheumatology

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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