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Background The adolescence is a critical period when different process are made, as identity, cognitive changes, anhance of autonomy, etc. Besides that, an adolescent with rheumatic disease has to front facing the disease acceptance. Alrealy, different Transition Programs are made around the world. In México does not exist this important project yet.
Objectives Provide and uninterrumped, multi-disciplinary and coordinated, properly developed health system with a comprehensive and psychosocial background.
Methods We included rheumatologist, rehabilitation specialists, psychiatrist, nutritionist, clinical psychologist, nurse and social services. Got Transition Questionnaire (GOT) in Spanish version was used to evaluated patients and parents to evaluated the knowledge in transition process. We implemented the beginning of the clinic last July. We included patients with established rheumatic diseases, older than 16 years old. We use descriptive statistics wit measures of central tendency or frequencies depending on variable characteristics. We use Spearman’s correlation test to evaluated concordance of answers in GOT between parents and patients.
Results We made a systematic evaluation program of all patients. Nineteen patients had already seenat the ciinic, most of them are female, the rest of clinical variables are shown in Table 1. Even though we found a positive Spearman’s coefficient (rho), and significant difference in answers related with “Perception of capability of adult-centred health care”, “Health knowledge”, and “Use of health-care services knowledge”, GOT results demonstrate weak of correlation between answers from patients and their parents. Correlation plots from GOT results are shown in figure 1.
Conclusions In this pilot study, we shown a high prevalence of psychiatric, nutritional, and mobility problems among adolescents, adding the non-concordance of transtion abilities percepcion in GOT answers between parents and patients. These results encourage the need of an organised, specialised, multidisciplinary, and integrated clinic in which the patient could adapt to adult care centres.
Reference [1] Oen K. Curr Opini Rheumatol 2000;12;410–4.
Acknowledgements Elisa M. Garcia Alfaro. Liliana P. Barbosa Garza
Disclosure of Interest None declared