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Background A rheumatic disease may be a casual factor in the pathogenesis of a neoplastic disease, as in other cases, cancer may lead to the development of paraneoplastic rheumatic manifestations that may be the only initial symptoms1. Lazarus et al. demonstrated in its cohort study with 112 patients that of the 22% of patients who developed some neoplasm during the study, the most prevalent was lymphoma with 44%. according to the same study, patients with pss present a risk 37.5 times more than that of the general population. of generating lymphoma, with another risk 2.6 times of developing another type of was also shown that in patients with pss there is an incidence of 320 cases per 100 000 a year of presenting non-hodgkin’s lymphoma3. In our country there are no epidemiological studies to know the prevalence of cancer in patients with pss, so these numbers are difficult to estimate
Objectives Determine the prevalence of cancer in patients with ss in the mexican population.
Methods Cross-sectional, observational study was conducted in which 393 patients were included, of which 221 (52%) came from the national institute of medical sciences and nutrition ”salvador zubiran”, 92 (23.4%) from the university hospital ”José E González” and 80 (20.6%) of the juárez mexico hospital/ABC medical centre whom fulfilled the diagnosis of ssp according to the 2002/2012 criteria of the american college of rheumatology/european league against rheumatism. Bivariate anailsis was performed, normality was demonstrated using the K.S test, the student’s T test was used for the numerical variables and the chi2 test for the categorical ones, and no difference was found between the characteristics of patients with or without cancer.
Results We include 393 patients, the majority were women (n=377, 95.9%) with an average age of 56.4 (±13.60), of these 23 (5.85%) had some type of neoplasm regardless of their malignancy. the most prevalent was lymphoma with 9 cases (34.6%), followed by breast cancer with 5 (19.2%), 3 (11.5%) of basal cell cancer and 2 (7.7%) cases of cervical uterine cancer
Conclusions We confirmed lymphoma as the most prevalent neoplasia in a cohort of non-Caucasian pSS patients. We observed the presence of non-hematologicalmalignancy 60.86% of our patients, whether it risk is increased in pSS population still needs to be addressed.
References [1] Bellan M, Boggio E, Sola D, Gibbin A, Gualerzi A, Favretto S, … Sainaghi PP. Association between rheumatic diseases and cancer: results from a clinical practice cohort study. Internal and Emergency Medicine2017;12(5):621–627.
[2] Lazarus MN. Incidence of cancer in a cohort of patients with primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Rheumatology2006;45(8):1012–1015.
[3] Nishishinya MB, Pereda CA, Muñoz-Fernández S, Pego-Reigosa JM, Rúa-Figueroa I, Andreu JL, … Santamaría EL. Identification of lymphoma predictors in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Rheumatology International2015;35(1):17–26.
Disclosure of Interest None declared