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PARE0011 Ask the users - establishing a digital user panel
  1. CR Ziegler1,2
  1. 1Danish Rheumatism Association, Gentofte, Denmark
  2. 2Policy and Research, Danish Rheumatism Association, Gentofte, Denmark


Background A high level of user involvement is one way of assuring campaigns to be relevant to people with RMD's. This is true for all projects within the PARE organisations. The Danish Rheumatism Association would like to strengthen our political campaigning and we found this goal could be reached by establishing a representative digital user panel. A representative digital user panel would give us quicker, more relevant and high quality information about the opinion of the users and their experience within many different aspects of living with RMD's in Denmark.

Objectives The Danish Rheumatism Association wanted to strengthen the impact of our political campaigning. We wanted to establish a representative user panel consisting of 1500 Danes with RMD's. A digital user panel was found to be a quick and efficient tool to secure real life experiences and knowledge from the users. The user panel would make us interact with our users in even better ways and through that we were able to strengthen our political campaigning.

Methods In 2016 we tried to recruit participants among our members to assure that the panel was representative, but that was more difficult than we expected and we had to use other channels to recruit too. We wanted to ask the user panel about different themes 6–8 times each year. We investigated the collected data and used them directly in our political campaigning and communicative work – without the time waster of making fancy reports.

Results It turned out to be more difficult to establish a representative user panel than we thought. The barriers were various, but we succeeded in the end. The knowledge gained from the user panel has focused and strengthened our political work. This obtained influence would have been very difficult or even impossible to achieve without the experiences of the users. In our presentation we will go into details about the barriers of the establishing phase, share how we use the panel, give examples of how the answers are an added value and show how it helped us gain more political impact.

Conclusions After overcoming several barriers it will possible to establish a digital user panel which can help organisations to improve their political campaigning.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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