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FRI0765-HPR Prevalance of sarcopenia in elderly with osteoarthritis of large joints
  1. Y Safonova1,
  2. V Tsurko2
  1. 1Northwestern State Medical University named after II Mechnikov, Department of gerontology, Geriatrics and Nursing, St. Petersburg
  2. 2First Moscow State University named after IM Setchenov Department of Hematology and Geriatrics, Moscow, Russian Federation


Background Lean muscle mass and strength decline starting approximately at 40 years of age to become 25% of body weight at 75–80 years old [1]. Within the existing literature, sarcopenia is a highly prevalent condition in older people. The prevalence of sarcopenia increases considerably with age ranging from 5% to 13% in 60 to 70 years, from 11% to 50% for the population aged 80 years and older. In older persons, sarcopenia is related to falls and physical disability leading to reduced quality of life [2]. The prevalence of osteoarthritis increases with age so that 30 to 50% of adults over the age of 65 years suffer from this condition [3]. Age-related factor that contributes includes to the development of OA include a decline in muscle strength. People with lower extremity OA had a two to five times increased incidence of falls than age-matched healthy controls [4].

Objectives Conduct analysis of condition of muscle strength and muscle functioning in older persons with osteoarthritis.

Methods Prospective study of 159 patients aged 74±13,3 years was held. Condition of sarcopenia was estimated by lean body mass (LBM) in accordance with criteria of sarcopenia EWGSOP. Muscle strength was estimated by a hand dynamometer and muscle functioning was estimated on the basis of SPPB tests. Amount of pain was estimated by VAS.

Results Sarcopenia was revealed in 31,45% of older persons with ostearthritis. Cases of falls were observed in 28,30% (95% CI 21,5 - 36,0) in patients with osteoartritis with sarcopenia (average number of falls – 1,93) and in 16,98% of patients without sarcopenia (95% CI 11,5 – 23,7) (average number of falls – 0,48). Level of pain in patients with osteoartritis with sarcopenia amounted 3,16 points, in patients without sarcopenia – 3,49 points (p>0,05). Muscle strength in patients with sarcopenia was 14,36 kg, in patients without sarcopenia was significantly higher – 18,53 kg (p<0,05). Common point of SPPB tests in patients with sarcopenia was 6,9, in patients without sarcopenia significantly higher – 7,85 (p<0,05).

Conclusions Patients with sarcopenia in the presence of osteoarthritis were observed to have significant decrease of muscle strength and muscle functioning, increase of frequency of falls which raises risk of repeated falls and their frequency, and consequently, deteriorates condition of musculoskeletal system in older persons.


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  2. Morley JE. Sarcopenia: diagnosis and treatment. J Nutr Health Aging. 2008; 12:452–456.

  3. Felson DT. Risk factors for osteoarthritis: understanding joint vulnerability. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 2004;(427 Suppl):S16–21.

  4. Hoops ML, Rosenblatt NJ, Hurt CP, Crenshaw J, Grabiner MD. Does lower extremity osteoarthritis exacerbate risk factors for falls in older adults? Womens Health (Lond Engl). 2012;8(6):685–96.


Disclosure of Interest None declared

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