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AB1021 Videocapillaroscopic findings in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus with or without jaccoud's arthropathy
  1. C Lins1,
  2. EPD Fonseca2,
  3. DLDS Ribeiro2,
  4. WGD Santos2,
  5. G Rosa2,
  6. V Machicado2,
  7. AL Pedreira2,
  8. APMD Souza2,
  9. C Baleeiro2,
  10. LGDS Ferreira2,
  11. ISD Oliveira3,
  12. JPCGD Silva3,
  13. AM Atta3,
  14. MB Santiago2
  1. 1EBMSP - Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saude Publica
  2. 2EBMSP - Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saude Publica
  3. 3HUPES - Hospital Universitario Edgard Santos, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


Background Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that can present, as other collagen vascular disorders, changes in blood vessels. It can be evaluated by a non-invasive technique called periungual nailfold videocapillaroscopy (VCP). This technique is helpful in the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis (SSc), being part of the new classification criteria, and identifies individuals with Raynaud's phenomenon who are at a higher risk for developing SSc.

Objectives This study aims to describe the videocapillaroscopic profile of a series of SLE patients and investigate if the VCP pattern is different among those with Jaccoud's arthropathy (JA) compared to the patients without this complication.

Methods The patients were submitted to VCP, clinical evaluation, and laboratory tests. The capillaroscopic patterns were defined as minor, major and scleroderma (SD). The presence of capillaroscopic findings such as elongated capillaries, increased tortuosity, ectasia, prominent venous plexus, neoangiogenesis, hemorrhage and megacapillaries was also observed.

Results In a population of 113 female patients with SLE (67 without JA and 46 with JA), at least one alteration was observed in VCP in 89.40% of patients, and the “nonspecific changes” were the most prevalent. Minor changes were seen in 39 (58.2%) and 26 (56.5%) patients, and major changes were seen in 21 (31.3%) and 11 (23.9%) patients without and with JA, respectively. The SD patterns were observed in 02 (3.0%) and 03 (6.5%) patients without and with JA, respectively (p>0.05).

Conclusions The majority of patients of SLE present changes in the VCP exam, but such a tool does not allow distinguish those with or without JA.


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Acknowledgements M. B.S. has received a scholar ship from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnolόgico (CNPq).

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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