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SP0052 Building patient partnership in health care service design and delivery
  1. H Lempp
  1. Rheumatology, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom


This paper will present details of the approach to patient and public involvement in health service delivery, health service research and health care education in England. The presentation will be based upon a Logical Framework with the following key elements: inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes/impacts. Key barrier acting to minimise the impact of building patient partnerships will be discussed, illustrated by examples from our experience in the preparatory stages for our departmental strategy to formalise close Patient Partnership for our research portfolio: (i) establish honorary contracts for patients for the academic Institution and local Hospital Trust; (ii) include patients on the interview panels to appoint project researchers (iii) build in a separate funding within the overall project budget for the costs associated with patient partnership and (iv) manage patient expectations of rapid implementation of the results of research after the completion of projects. Patient Partnership is essential and feasible to make health care service and design relevant.


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Disclosure of Interest None declared

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