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SAT0597 Relationship between lumbar disc herniation and benign joint hypermobility syndrome
  1. MR Albeer1,
  2. FK Abd alrazaq2,
  3. MH Alosami3
  1. 1Radiology, College of Medine of Baghdad
  2. 2Medicine, Baghdad Teaching Hospital
  3. 3Medicine, College of Medicine of Baghdad, BAGHDAD, Iraq


Background Benign joint hypermobility syndrome (BJHS) can present with a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders.Benign joint hypermobility syndrome (BJHS) is a hereditary disorder characterized by the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in persons with generalized joint laxity in the absence of systemic rheumatologic disease (1–3). Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) is a common cause of low back pain. On the other hand, low back pain may be a presenting symptom in patients with BJHS.

Objectives to evaluate relationship between Lumbar disc herniation and BJHS.

Methods The study included 100 patients diagnosed with LDH depending on history, clinical examination and MRI findings and another 100 healthy control participants. All, patients and healthy controls were assessed for BJHS using the revised (Brighton 1998) criteria.

Results the mean age was (35.4±8.9) year and (33.72±8.3) for patients and controls respectively, there were 43 males and 57 females in each group. The mean BMI was (27.6±4.8) kg/m2 in patients and (28.3±4.6) in controls. No significant differences found between the groups regarding the age, sex and BMI in all comparisons (P.value>0.05). The mean Beighton score was significantly higher among patients in comparison to controls; itwas (2.3±1.62) versus (1.2±1.35) in controls group; on the other hand major and minor criteria were significantly more prevalent among patients rather than controls, in all comparisons (P.value<0.05). BJHS was more prevalent among patients rather than controls, 55% of the patients had BJHS compared to 21% of controls, the odds ratio was (4.6) and (P.value <0.05). BJHS was more prevalent among females compared to males, from the total number of all participants, BJHS was present in 76 participants, and of them 47 were females versus 29 males, (P.value <0.05).

It had been significantly found that subjects with BJHS in both groups (patients and controls) were relatively shorter than those without BJHS, P.value <0.05. The correlation analysis of BJHS with the MRI findings of LDH in patients group showed no significant differences among patients with and without BJHS, in all comparisons P.value >0.05.

Conclusions BJHS is more prevalent among patients with LDH. There is no significant relationship between presence of BJHS in LDH patients and MRI findings.


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  2. Simmondsa JV, Keer RJ. Hypermobility and the hypermobility syndrome. Man Ther 2007; 12:298–309.

  3. Beighton P, Grahame R, Bird H. Hypermobility of Joints. New York, Verlag; 1983.p.125–49.


Disclosure of Interest None declared

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