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SP0203 How The Danish Rheumatism Association Works with Complementary and Alternative Treatment
  1. D.J. Pedersen,
  2. on behalf of Henriette Thorseng
  1. The Danish Rheumatism Association, Gentofte, Denmark


In The Danish Rheumatism Association, complementary and alternative treatment, is a subject of great interest and demand among people affected by rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs).

We offer free information about complementary and alternative treatment on our website, and free counselling from our mailbox and hotline advice service. Our overall approach is open-minded; we neither recommend nor advice against the use of such treatments, as documentation often is insufficient.

In our conducted surveys, we have investigated the relationship between people with RMDs and complementary and alternative treatment, to learn more about the use and experience. From these surveys we know, that people with RMDs use such treatments more often than the general population.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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