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SP0127 Year in Review - Osteoarthritis
  1. M. Doherty
  1. University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom


This talk will highlight, and place into perspective, new research published on osteoarthritis (OA) in the past year. The focus is on studies that significantly contribute to our better understanding of OA or which may influence management of people with OA. Topics with recent key publications that will be included to date are: new genetic data on OA; correlation between symptoms and structural changes of OA; the role of inflammation in OA, including early OA; relationship between calcium crystal deposition and OA; inter-relationships between sleep, fatigue and pain in OA; the use of network meta-analysis to compare different effects sizes of available treatments; the high proportion of contextual effect of OA treatments; and ways to present results of RCTs that may reduce the efficacy paradox. Additional topics may be included depending on publications in Q2 2016.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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