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SP0120 Recommendations for Prompt Pain Management in Inflammatory Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
  1. R. Geenen,
  2. on behalf of EULAR HP Pain Mangement Task Force
  1. Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands


Pain is a predominant symptom for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Health professionals should have knowledge and skills to offer the first principles of assessment and management of pain to people with IA and OA. Aim of the EULAR project was to provide “recommendations” (advice with sufficient evidence) and “points to consider” (advice that cannot be substantiated by data) that enable HPs to provide prompt and knowledgeable pain management support for people with IA or OA. A task force of health professionals, patients and rheumatologists from Europe and the United States considered recommendations and points to consider with respect to 1) background knowledge 2) assessment of the patient and the pain, and 3) management options including core prompt and general pain management that virtually any HP should be able to give and referral to specialized pain management. The detailed recommendations and points to consider will be presented and discussed.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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