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On the applicability of the CASPAR criteria in psoriatic arthritis
  1. O B Pedersen,
  2. P Junker
  1. Department. of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
  1. Dr O B Pedersen, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Sdr Boulevard 29, DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark; obpedersen{at}

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While conducting a cross-sectional, population based twin study on psoriatic arthritis (PsA),1 we concurrently adopted the items required for the classification of PsA according to the Moll and Wright (M&W) definition,2 the Vasey and Espinoza (V&E) criteria3 and the CASPAR criteria.4 The study was based on questionnaire surveys to all Danish twins. This method identified 228 twins with self-reported PsA. After subsequent invitation, 164 twins participated in the diagnostic validation that included telephone interview, scrutiny of medical files, structured interview, clinical examination and serological tests for rheumatoid factor.

Box 1 Modified CASPAR criteria (proposed modifications in italics)

To meet the CASPAR (Classification criteria for Psoriatic ARthritis) criteria, a patient must have inflammatory articular disease (joint, spine or enthesal) at current …

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  • Competing interests: None.

  • Ethics approval: Ethics committee approval obtained.