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Health Professionals Committee: key activities 2002–3
  1. Nora Price
  1. Chairperson

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    In June 2002 the committee adopted a strategic plan, which set out the following aims for the committee:

    • To promote high quality evidence based practice in therapeutic intervention to ensure that people with arthritis and rheumatism in Europe receive the best possible care

    • To promote the unique role of health professionals within the rheumatology multidisciplinary team, including clinicians and people with arthritis and rheumatism

    • To support health professionals working in the field of rheumatology and their organisations and networks in Europe

    • To facilitate the sharing of information, skills, and resources between health professionals in Europe.

    • To give a voice to health professionals in rheumatology in Europe through a strong, representative, and effective committee.


    Since July 2002, the committee …

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