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An unusual cause of acute renal failure in systemic sclerosis
  1. S Mpofu1,
  2. J M Rhodes2,
  3. C M A Mpofu2,
  4. R J Moots1
  1. 1University Hospital Aintree, Academic Rheumatology Unit, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L9 7AL, UK
  2. 2Gastroenterology Research group, Department of Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GA, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr S Mpofu
    Academic Rheumatology Unit, University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane, L9 7AL, UK;


Background: Scleroderma renal crisis is one of the most life threatening complications of scleroderma. Enteric hyperoxaluria complicates extensive disease or resection of the small intestine in the presence of an intact colon, and is associated with calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. This cause of renal failure may be underestimated and should be considered in all patients with malabsorption and renal failure.

Case report: A 78 year old woman with systemic sclerosis affecting the bowel developed acute renal failure caused by oxalate nephropathy.

Results: The patient’s renal failure improved on an oxalate free diet.

  • scleroderma
  • enteric hyperoxaluria
  • angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
  • oxalate nephropathy
  • diuretics
  • ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme
  • SRC, scleroderma renal crisis

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  • Series editor: Anthony D Woolf