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Use of small amounts of ultrasound guided air for injections
  1. H BLIDDAL, Professor of Rheumatology, Parker Institute
  1. Frederiksberg Hospital, DK-2000 Denmark
  2. Chief of Laboratory of Ultrasonography
  3. KAS Gentofte, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
  1. henning.bliddal{at}

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The existence and detection of air in various tissues is of great importance, whether the air has emanated by a disease mechanism (for example, intra-abdominal in gastric lesions, extrapulmonary in thoracic lesions) or been applied as a diagnostic tool. The detection of the air in a diagnostic test may be performed by such different methods as stethoscopy (epidurally in the whoosh test1), or radiography (intra-articularly in arthrography2 ,3).

In ultrasonography the injection of ultrasound contrast agents containing air may increase the diagnostic confidence in the intravascular domain.4 ,5

Atmospheric air, which is much …

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