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There is an increasing occurrence of reactive group A beta haemolytic streptococci (BHS) phenomena. This review makes a case for considering BHS in the differential diagnosis of adult reactive arthritis. This is based on (a) published reports over the past 45 years describing first attacks of rheumatic fever in adults; (b) the longstanding observation that polyarthritis is the most commonly expressed Jones major criterion in adults; (c) the broad spectrum of clinical expression of disease following streptococcal infection, with the re-emergence of the term 'poststreptococcal reactive arthritis'. The arthritis in adult rheumatic fever is characterised by sequential involvement of large weightbearing joints. Recurrent, severe, prolonged arthritis has been a prominent feature of adult poststreptococcal reactive arthritis. Carditis has been reported in 33% of adult patients with rheumatic fever. Consequently long term antibiotic prophylaxis for adults with reactive BHS phenomena should be strongly considered, and guidelines are suggested for this in individual patients. Further areas for research are discussed, particularly the interrelations between bacteria and host in disease expression, and the possibility that BHS might play a part in chronic arthritides and vasculitides.