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Occurrence of antiperinuclear, antikeratin, and anti-RA 33 antibodies in juvenile chronic arthritis.
  1. C Gabay,
  2. A M Prieur,
  3. O Meyer
  1. Clinique de Rhumatologie, Hôpital Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris, France.


    OBJECTIVES--Antiperinuclear factor (APF), antikeratin antibodies (AKA), and anti-RA 33 antibodies are currently considered to be good markers for the diagnosis of adult rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor (RF). The prevalence of these markers was retrospectively reviewed in children with juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) to determine whether they were associated with specific features. METHODS--One hundred and twenty-four patients with JCA participated in this study. Controls included 28 patients with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus and 21 healthy children. Antiperinuclear factor and AKA were determined by indirect immunofluorescence on buccal mucosal cells and oesophagus sections respectively. Anti-RA 33 antibodies were detected using a Western blot technique on HeLa cell nuclear extract. RESULTS--Antiperinuclear factor was virtually absent in all the tested subgroups and anti-RA 33 antibodies were detected only in a subset of patients with RF positive polyarticular onset. Antikeratin antibodies were found in 27% of all children with JCA and in 42% of those with RF negative polyarticular onset. These results were statistically significant compared with healthy controls, but the presence of AKA was not specific to any patient subgroup. Moreover, in contrast with previous studies in adult RA, no relation was found between the presence of AKA and disease severity or activity. CONCLUSION--These data suggest that APF, AKA, and anti-RA 33 antibodies are not useful for the diagnosis or classification of JCA.

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